Saturday, January 13, 2007

Santa Fe Days 3 - 5

December 29, 2006
Day 3 in Santa Fe and nothing but snow, snow, snow and then more snow. Forecast is calling for 30 - 45 inches today and tomorrow. Judging by the bottles left on the balcony last night, we have gotten about 12 inches so far. Our plans were to ski at Ski Santa Fe today but the local news is warning against getting out on the streets. The road crews are working, but the snow is coming down so fast that they can't keep up. Beth and I decide to do a little road recon and we call down to get our car pulled around. What a crappy day to be a valet. I tip our guy for his efforts and off we go.

Our plan is to hit the grocery store and grab some breakfast type stuff then head toward the mountain and see how the roads look. No problem in getting to the store. Yes the roads are covered with snow, but they are still passable. Donuts in hand, we head toward the mountain. Before even leaving town, there is a pretty significant hill to climb. We make it up no problem, but my nerves are shot as it is steep and getting slicker by the moment. We go a couple miles further and I decide it's time to turn around and head back. There will be no skiing today. I wish I had 4 wheel drive.

Back at the Inn at Loretto we break the news to the group and decide to head to downtown Santa Fe and find some food and maybe do a little shopping. Mexican food is always good, especially for breakfast. After walking around downtown and deciding there is really nothing for families to do, we head back to the hotel and invade the lobby. We found a checkerboard inlaid in one of the tables but no checkers were to be found. We come up with the idea that we will get 12 pennies and 12 nickels from the front desk and use those as checkers. Andrew goes to get change and comes back a few minutes later saying he needs help. So I go to the desk and the clerk tells me she doesn't have 12 nickels. I suggest dimes but she doesn't have those either. So how about quarters little lady? We just need 12 of something Quarters it is but here is what she says when she's counting out the change from my 5 dollar bill. "Um....if I give you 12 quarters and 12 pennies then that really messes up your change because then I'll have to give you some extra quarters and a dollar bill." No kidding Einstein. 8 minutes later she finally figured out what the change should be. She got stuck thinking she had to give me exactly 12 pennies and exactly 12 quarters and it totally messed her math up. Do kids in New Mexico even go to school? What the ????

After a couple of checkers games, the kids decide to have snowball fights outside while the adults decide to have some hot totties and relax. 4 hours later (literally) the kids finally come in covered in snow and soaking wet. No problem.....go dry off and watch a movie in the room fellas. The adults....well, let's just leave the adults out of this but I will say that the 3 shifts of waitresses we met in the bar were all very nice. Looks like pizza again tonight, which is fine with me. I'll even eat the green chile pizza this time.

December 30, 2007

We woke up to find a note under our door asking us to allow 30 - 45 minutes for the valet to pull the car around as they have to literally dig the car out. At this point, we can't even find the bottles on the table on our balcony because of the snow. After last night, it's a good thing. More snow in store for today and we know we are not going anywhere. Sounds like another fun filled day stuck in our rooms. At least we can walk downtown for breakfast but there will be no skiing today.

Finally the snow starts to slow down in the afternoon and we are able to get out and catch a movie. The kids and Bruce hit the new James Bond flick which got rave reviews from all the boys. Beth, Mel and I decide on The Good Sheppard with Matt Damon and Angelina Jolie. The jist of the movie is about a guy in the CIA and how his secret life ends up effecting his family. It's a very deep, intellectual movie and therefore I had a hard time following. I should have hit Bond. I know I can follow that. All was not lost however as Angelina Jolie is smokin hot as usual. What did Brad Pitt ever do to deserve that? It goes to show that even butt ugly dudes can get hot chicks.

With the snow coming to a halt, we are hoping that the roads to the mountain will be open and drivable tomorrow. At this point, I'm starting to worry about how we are going to get home. I-40 is closed from Albequerque to the Texas line and that is the route we need.

Happy New Year's Eve - December 31, 2006

We awake to another note about the 30-45 minute wait for the car to come around so I call down early. We get dressed and 30 minutes later our posse (B-ditty, A-train, Cam-man, Rdogg, Brucester and Big Daddy) is ready to go in hopes of beating the crowd and catch some freshies. We get down to the lot and the valet informs us they took our car back already. Huh? What happened to 30 minutes? Do they not teach kids in New Mexico how to tell time? I think not.

We make it to the mountain in about an hour and are there a little before they open at 9. The line for ski rentals is about 10 deep so not too bad so far. The weather is absolutely beautiful. I've never seen a better day for skiing. Not a cloud in the ski, fresh powder, no wind and a temp of about 30. Perfection.

Rails attached, it's time to head up. Rdogg having recently graduated from ski school, we decide to take the short lift up to the beginner slope to gauge his progress and see how gnarly we can get today. Tips up, Rdogg off, looking good. Posse set, Atrain and Cam-man lead the way followed by B-ditty and Brucester. Big daddy and Rdogg bring up the rear. At least until Rdogg points em downhill and shouts C Ya'll Later daddi-o. Off he goes. Next I hear...Cya'll later Atrain....C ya'll later cam-man as Rdogg blows by everyone. I think we are in for a gnarly day. He even dodges a screaming starfish without a single face plant. That's my boy.

Over to the quad, we head up to the top. At least as far as we could go. The very top of the mountain was not open yet as they needed a few more inches of snow. You can still see chocolate chips up top. No worries, there is plenty of mountain for us to tackle. Up at the top the view is spectacular. We cruise around some gapers and start heading down. Anybody up for a blue? Rdogg, Cam-man and Atrain are up for the challenge of a baby blue. Down they go. No fear. All three point the sticks down the slope and head straight for the bottom. Big Daddy cruises down slowly while Brucester and B-ditty take the long way down. We cruise the rest of the way down and decide to take the quad back up and come down blues this time.

Back on the quad. Tips up, posse off. A-train is in the left seat and decide to take a sharp right turn. Wipe out. Rdogg, A-train and Big Daddy go down. Yard sale everywhere. B-ditty somehow dodges us all and stays perpindicular. Off we go and stop at the top of the blues. Atrain and Cam-man are stoked so I tell them to go ahead and go and I'll meet them down at the bottom. Rdogg and I start cruising and he gets a little out of control. I think he has a little kodak courage. It didn't last long....face plant. We struggled down and finally made it only to find out that Cam-man had suffered a major wipe out and has a gnarly gash in his grape. He must have crunched his melon on his ski because it was a razor straight slice. Unfortunatly for Cam-man that was the end of his day. 10 stitches later he'll be ok. Hang tough Cam-man we will get them next year.

Brucester and Cam called Mel to come get in them and take them to the big blue H in Santa Fe while the rest of us stayed to ski a few more times. We probably did 5 more runs including some gnarly trips through the trees in Adventure Land. A-train is a great little skier. Blues are easy and he is probably about ready to try his first black. We'll wait for Uncle Rick to escort him down that. Rdogg did well and will never need ski school again. He's awesome on the greens and can handle the blues well and probably will hit his first black in the next couple years.

Ski Santa Fe was the bomb. I'm sure the perfect conditions effected our rating system, but we put it high on the list. It's not the biggest mountain by far but the runs are wide and smooth and about the perfect lenght. Our only complaint is with the lift lines which at times were 15 to 20 minutes. I'm sure a lot of it had to do with the top not being open and it being the break between Christmas and New Year's. We will definatly try and get back to Ski Santa Fe some day.

The trip is winding down and it's New Year's Eve. We take the easy way out and celebrate New Year's with the New Yorkers at 10pm local time. We have a long drive tomorrow and we don't know if I-40 is going to be open or not so we are allowing for extra time. Good night John Boy. Big Daddy out with 2006.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! January 1, 2007
It's been a good trip, but being snowed in cost us some valuable ski time which put a damper on things. We were not overly impressed with the hotel either. The Inn and Spa at Loretto is a great location, but not the friendliest staff I have dealt with. Also not the sharpest.....evident by the checkers fiasco. I think snobish might be the right word. We will go back some day, but next time we will stay somewhere else. There is a nice looking Hilton in downtown that may work out.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

December 26 - 28. Gotta Love Santa Fe

Maybe not.
December 26, 2007
Beth and the boys and I are headed out for Santa Fe the day after Christmas to spend some time in Santa Fe and do a little skiing and relaxing with the McCreas. Our plan was to drive to Amarillo tonight and find a hotel to rest our weary bones, get up early tomorrow and be in Santa Fe by early afternoon. That part worked out well. The total driving time to Santa Fe was about 9 hours. It's really not a bad drive. Once you hit the New Mexico border, the speed limit increases to 75 and you can really haul. The only down side to the drive out was the SMELL around Amarillo. Apparently, the cattle slaughter houses are running at full speed right now. What a terrible smell. Beth spent an hour gagging as the boys and I giggled like school girls. What makes stanky stuff so funny to boys?

We arrived in Santa Fe on schedule on Wednesday. We were meeting the McCrea's and they showed up around 8pm. Our hotel was right in downtown Santa Fe so we decided to walk to get pizza for dinner. Thursday we planned a big day of skiing in Taos so we didn't want to get too crazy on Wednesday night. The pizza was good and after walking back we all decided to grab some sleep in anticipation of carving some wicked lines down the slopes of Taos.

December 28, 2007
Thursday morning 7:00 am. We are up and on the road to Taos. Ski school registration is from 8:15 to 9:00 am and after checking out the skitaos website, we learn it is an hour and 15 minutes to get there from Santa Fe. Leaving at 7...we even have time to stop at Mickey D's to get fueled up for the slopes. It's nice drive from Santa Fe and the day is starting out well.

8:00 we are STILL driving and haven't even made it to the town of Taos. What happened to an hour and 15 minutes? Not happening and the end isn't even in site. BUMMER. The only good news is that it is starting to snow.

8:40 we are finally into the town of Taos and see the signs saying 15 more miles to the ski area. Ok, so at this point we are thinking.....we should make it just in time for ski school.

9:00 um......not going to make it for registration. Hopefully they keep it open late. We still have a few miles to go and the snow is really coming down. We are on the road to the ski area, which is a windy two lane job and it is starting to get slick. I wish I had 4-wheel drive.

9:30 Finally made it to the slopes. 1 hour 15 minutes on the web site equated to 2 hours and 30 minutes actual time. I wonder what the wait really is on the advertised 5 minute lift lines???

9:40 We make it to ski school to register Ryan and Everett. What do you mean ski school is full? Reservations required? DOH!!!!!!!! Not good. But wait....they are trying to put together another class and will start calling names at 10am. We are on the list.

10:00 Where's the name calling dude?

10:30 There he is. Ryan and Everett get called. Wooo hooo! Sweet. Bruce and I are going to move the car out of the ski school lot while the boys are getting settled in. So we head to the parking lot and it is really really snowing now. Visibility is low. The IQ level of the guy directing us where to park is even lower. He puts us in a downhill slot that as soon as I get in, I tell Bruce there isn't anyway we are getting out. I wish I had 4 wheel drive. Not good but, hey, that's a problem for another time. Let's hit the slopes baby!!!!!!!!!!

11:00 Rentals are rented, jackets are zipped, toques (yes I am bi-lingual) are pulled down and we are heading toward the lifts. Bunny slope? Nah, we don't need no stinking bunny slope. Let's head to the top. So what if Bruce and Camden haven't skied in a couple of years. There are greens up top. Up we go. Bruce, Camden, Andrew, Beth and I for our day on the slopes at Taos. The further up we go, the harder it is snowing. Get prepared for zero visibility boys! We got fresh powder, but nobody can see it. Let's ski by feel today. Nevermind that it is so cold and windy we have no feel. WE CAN DO IT!

11:20 - We are cruising down the cat walks. A-train and the Cam-man are doing great. Hard to keep up with them. Brucester is getting his groove and once he figures out how to stop it will be all good. B-ditty quickly starts grabbing her wide turns and is keeping it under control nicely even with the brace on her wrist. Big Daddy is working out the kinks and quickly gets in his element and chases down the boys. Here comes Brucester. There goes Brucester. Still can't stop. Big Daddy has his ski legs under him and quickly hits his norm of short fast bursts fallowed by exruciating burning sensations in the quads and hammies resulting in the need to stop and rest. Slow and steady wins the race Big Daddy thinks as B-ditty cruises by with the why you stopping look. Brucester ain't far behind and judging by the coat of white he is wearing he must have figured out how to stop using the ever popular wipeout method.

12:00 - Lunch time. One run down. It's looking like a short day on the slopes. Big daddy is experiencing cramps in the feet. Shouldn't have worn the sock liner. Dumb move. Eveyone is cold and visibility is nothing. Let's grab some chow, take one more run, and see how we feel. Brucestar, A-train and Cam-man decide that the top is over-rated and head over to the smaller lifts while B-ditty and I head back up for one more run from the top.

1:00 On top again. Not much to choose from so we head back down the same cat walk as before. Nothing exciting to report. Nice green run, but very narrow and the only real choice we had. Decent cruising though. Probably our last run big run so we head to the beginner area to look for the Rdogg and Big E. All kids look the same in their ski gear so as we are on the lift we locate the kids that ski the best and claim them as ours. We rock as parents.

2:00 and time to get the little ones from ski school. A-train and Cam-man have spent the afternoon skiing together and seem to be enjoying some quality time being on their own. Rdogg and Big E are back inside and ready to go. Time to pack up and get the cars.

2:15 I called it. No chance of getting the Expedition out of this spot. Mel...go find some help while I stay here with the car. What a pain. I wish I had 4 wheel drive.

2:30 about the best thing I can say about Taos is that the cops are friendly and they responded quickly. Never really had to be winched out before, so this was a new experience. My next car.....equipped with a winch, a wench and you guessed it....4 wheel drive! Guy thing.

3:30 Heading out of Taos. Gotta say, the conditions were poor for skiing. High wind, low visibility, cold and snowy. Not the best of ski days. Can't say that I ever want to hit Taos again. The staff were totally unorganized (except for the cops) and the slopes were nothing spectacular. Glad that I can say I skied Taos, but no plans to come back this week. Ski Santa Fe...Here we come.